DANNY DE HEK Entrepreneur Decision Maker Connector Podcaster EducatorELITE : SIX Think Tank meetings are discussed over ZOOM with our members every Friday at 9:30am.

Facilitated by DANNY : DE HEK meetings are recorded for our Podcast, we’ve been doing this since COVID-19 if you’re interested in joining in with us check out our Website.


  • Aligned value
  • Due diligence
  • Long-term value
  • Complementary offerings
  • Build the strategic relationships with people you like, the synergies will follow.
  • A problem halved is a problem solved
  • Objective views
  • You see things from a different perspective when there are other people involved
  • You need to be on the same wavelength for it to work
  • If there are mutual benefits for both parties, a strategic relationship has huge benefits.
  • You could trade with each other
  • Pick and choose who aligns with you
  • A number of times I have given to friends but they don’t use the information you give to them… it that a waste of your time?
  • Let walk up clients know you have a booking system and you will make a booking to see them and put a fee on it
  • Put a sign on your door and say Diagnostic Fee $50


  • Can turn sour
  • If working with friends relationships can go bad
  • Not balanced. People take advantage
  • Over promised and under-delivered
  • Lack of prior due diligence shows up incompatibilities
  • Don’t vote with your feet, say
  • Two ears one mouth
  • Corporate restructure upsetting the relationship


  • Due diligence
  • Draw up a MOU/Contract
  • Build up rapport with clients
  • Always be respectful and value open communication
  • Working with companies that share the same values
  • Regular contact – keep feeding the relationship
  • “Know when to hold em . . . know when to fold em”
  • Walk away gracefully
  • Never do handshake deals
  • Listening and Understanding the needs


  • Never do handshake deals
  • Put plans on paper
  • Get feedback from the children
  • Understand who you are dealing with
  • Don’t be afraid to look for new people who can help you
  • Get feedback from the customers


Transcribed by Otter

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