DANNY  DE HEKJoin me, Danny de Hek aka The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger, in this urgent live stream as we dive deep into the concerning legitimacy of Lance Coin (LCE) and its parent company, Lance Green.

Recent search results have raised red flags about the operations of Lance Green, labeling it as a potential Brazilian Ponzi scheme involved in securities fraud. Reports suggest that Lance Coin might be integrated into Lance Green, raising concerns that it could end up being used exclusively to pay returns within the scheme.


– SHOW LGREEN VIP ACCESS to LGreen Sports Trading. Videos, links, & info – https://linktr.ee/lance.green
– Monday – Friday LGreen Zoom w/Q&A 3:30pm Panama Time – https://zoom.us/j/96478110268
– Monday & Thursday Overview Zoom 8pm Panama Time – https://zoom.us/j/96478110268
– Tuesday (Sinhala/English) Sri Lanka LGreen Zoom 8:30am Panama – https://zoom.us/j/8015405788
– Lance Certo – https://lancecerto.com
– Lance Certo Google App – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lancecoin&pli=1
– Lance Green Review: Betting arbitrage Brazilian Ponzi – https://behindmlm.com/mlm-reviews/lance-green-review-betting-arbitrage-brazilian-ponzi/#comment-476737
– Passive Crypto – https://www.facebook.com/mobileminingPi
– Lance Green Facebook Video https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=822863002780193
– Lance Coin – https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/LanceCoin-LCE
– Lance Certo Group – https://lancecertogroup.com
– Anderson Salgadinho Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/andersonsalgadinho.vinhedo
– Passive Crypto – https://www.facebook.com/mobileminingPi?mibextid=LQQJ4d

The information available indicates that once the recruitment of new affiliates slows down, new investments will cease, leading to the inevitable collapse of the scheme. Such collapses often result in a significant loss for the majority of participants.

Furthermore, reports reveal that Lance Certo Group, the parent company behind Lance Green, launched Lance Coin in April 2021. However, it faced a suspicious pump-and-dump scenario later in 2021, raising doubts about the credibility of the project.

This live stream is a call to action! Let’s come together to shed light on potential scams like Lance Coin and Lance Green. I’m here to name and shame those involved in Ponzi schemes, safeguarding the crypto community from financial losses.

Don’t be a victim! Tune in, share your thoughts, and let’s build awareness together. Remember, always conduct thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency, and stay vigilant against potential scams.

#LanceCoin #LanceGreen #CryptoScams #PonziScheme #TheCryptoPonziSchemeAvenger #InvestWisely #CryptoAwareness