DANNY : DE HEKELITE : SIX Think Tank meetings are discussed over ZOOM with our members every Friday at 9:30am.

Facilitated by DANNY : DE HEK meetings are recorded for our Podcast, we’ve been doing this since COVID-19 if you’re interested in joining in with us check out our Website.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:00:00] Welcome to another think tank meeting with WHAT : DE HEK podcast. I’m your host, Danny de Hek today we’ll be discussing advertising value our meet will consist of four parts people’s experiences, people’s problems, some solutions. Yeah, some takeaways from today’s meeting. Joining me today will be ELITE : SIX members. So sit back, relax, get yourself a cup of coffee and come and join the meeting with me. Good morning, everyone. Nice to have you here with us today. We’ve got another smashing topic. This one’s called advertising value, and we’ve had a little bit of the pre-trade a pre-chat before the meeting started and we reckon we can give you guys some value on how to get the. best value out of your advertising dollar. So we’re just introduce people that here today. We’ll start with Lachlan would you like to introduce yourself. Yeah.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:00:51] Lachlan McNeil. I have a company called Acorva technical recruitment, which surprisingly enough does technical recruitment engineers, architects, the likes. And I also have a brand called earn your crust, which is all about the Wiki and world of work and small business.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:01:07] Thank you, David Clarkson.

David Clarkson: [00:01:10] Hi, my name’s David Clarkson. I’m from dynamic communication. We are public speaking skills specialists and trainers and presentation skills. We build more confident what competent more credible communicates.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:01:27] Thank you. Paul

Paul Starling: [00:01:28] Paul Starling from Canterbury Computer Services out in Rangiora and we help small businesses with there it solutions.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:01:35] Thank you and Helen.

Helen Oakes: [00:01:37] Helen. I am Photographer digital creator and an educator.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:01:43] Thank you and, Raymond.

Raymond Lum: [00:01:47] Hi, my name is Raymond. I have a business called Sword productions. We tell your story through film, so we specialise by doing 30 second Facebook page cover videos.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:01:57] Brilliant. And Lance if you are there. He’s on mute at the moment. So hopefully it will pop off. No, he got Lance from Com communications. He is listening in and he’ll join in. He’s just in the background in a noisy room. So he kind of always be the impact on, hopefully he’ll pop in along the way I am Danny de Hek and on the facilitator for today’s meeting. And I’m also the owner of ELITE : SIX business networking. And we currently have two meetings a week, one face to face, and we run a virtual meeting and we call it a think tank meeting. So there’s a senior leader on the topic for today is actually advertising value. So. We will have to do at the times, you know, at some point in time and that business. So we have ended up am. We asked what experiences people have had with their advertising to date.

David Clarkson: [00:02:47] I’ve I’ve so far used newspaper advertising, magazine, advertising, and flyers, and. I’ve found a matter of fact. It’s very difficult to generate income out of that advertising per say.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:03:05] Printed material that’s distributed because I think you guys might have all been. A phone called by Canterbury today. And they approached me and said that they want to do a feature article and Canterbury today on me. And this is normally around about $3,000. And they said, however, is it okay if we ring up with your clients and ask them what they want to advertise around you? And that’s what I’ll well it will be a good practice and we’ll learn something from it. And then they sent me three bundles of one and theoretically in a couple of months time, but I had noticed that they have actually telephone on to people, but. Printed Advertising, you know, I think they must be struggling now. So I think you were going to do any printed advertising, but purely advertisers in the yellow pages these days. And I’m does it still work? Cause it must work for some people.

David Clarkson: [00:03:58] It’s I’ve stopped my yellow pages advertising.

Paul Starling: [00:04:01] Snap, tried Google, but I. Found that the amount they charged you was cutting it too, too high proportion of the margin. So you’re left with very little because you’ve got no real control as to the maximum bid on a key word is basically left to the algorithm so that that’s ineffective. Facebook. Wasn’t brilliant, but it did get the brand out there. So I guess that’s the difference between what value you’re looking for? You’re looking for sales or you’re looking to increase brand awareness. So for brand awareness, Facebook helped, but no sales facebook can be used in two different ways. Couldn’t it? I mean, you can go in there and be a social butterfly. And people follow your profile back to you, you and who you are, or you can advertise on there and blast people of adverts that click on. I’ve done the, what they call it, the deep DL three or DL five flyers putting everybody else letterboxes to, again, a high proportion of those just go straight in the bin. So actually getting a return. It’s something that’s very difficult to measure other than asking everybody that comes through the door. How did you find out about us.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:05:25] Lachlan thoughts?

Lachlan McNeill: [00:05:27] Yeah, I mean, I would say that my experiences is that it, everyone wants to sell you at the time, but no one’s wants to sell your results. And and, and, and for people to very quick to do that, And I certainly found that. And also I think the phrase you’re doing it wrong seems to come along. Look what Paul said about Facebook. You know, I think I tried Facebook advertising and then they will say, can you could boost this. You could boost this post. I thought could boost those posts. You put some money on, it’s like a gambling things that you never win anything. And then you find out afterwards the whole thing you’re boosting a fall or something you didn’t want. I don’t want clicks. I might want clients, but you can set that up behind. But of course. Only when the spit the valleys. So we’ll come and say, Oh lovely, you’re doing it wrong. Pay me more money. And I’ll tell you how to do it. Right. So I’ve become slightly cynical. I’ve got some Paul stuff going on, you know, I think personal experience to me, isn’t it. You pay for stuff. They don’t get what you want.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:06:31] Yeah. Well, I personally, don’t like Facebook and I’m very judicious about paying any money to Facebook for advertising. And I’ve heard from the experts that those boost that you do is just a total waste of money. And also I found that you can’t seem to retain the advertiser that you do get, or the click doesn’t seem to result into anything. I did have a promotional video of me talking about dyslexia and I paid $500. And that got me 85,000 views. But what I did like about that, it actually got shared 300 times and I, I wanted to get brand awareness. So if you use it like that and you throw enough money at it, you know, and I know Rob, who has been advertising Toastmasters, he’s been spending $500 and thousand dollars, lots on promoting one advert. And I think that’s been used, you know, and think back a few years ago, if you went down to the newspaper and wanted to put in the business card size advert, that would put it in the Wednesday and Saturdays paper, it would cost you four or $500 just to do that. But now we’re online. We’re hoping to spend 10 or $20 and get similar results. And in some ways you probably can, but you know, that’s where it’s changed. So is there a decent man yet? He may get different results, but I’m not prepared to spend that much dome. Every day.

Helen Oakes: [00:07:49] I don’t advertise through Facebook and you need like a Facebook degree to get anywhere. I learned it just fine just by watching gurus. And there was so much to it. I would have to have like a campaign with eight ad sets within that campaign. And they’ve all got to Pinpoint something different and then you turn off campaigns and you add other campaigns and it’s not for the faint-hearted, it’s really quite.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:08:21] Tricky.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:08:23] So just stay on the theme there people’s experiences what were you going to say Lachy?.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:08:28] Well, I was just going to say, my experiences seems to be that once you do spend money with the likes of Facebook, as well as that is that you sued, you really suddenly start to feel you’re part of their system. And that system is just trying to extract more money out of you. And so that’s that I’m getting on becoming cynical. That’s certainly my experience.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:08:50] feeding the monster. Isn’t it. Sure.

Helen Oakes: [00:08:53] Check money at Facebook. People throw money at Facebook. Like you said, Danny hoping that $500 a thousand dollars is going to get them somewhere. And if they just keep checking money at it, they’ll get somewhere. And it’s not true. You’ve got to know the algorithm with Facebook and data is so complicated and it changes all the time. So you’ve either got to really know what you’re doing, or you’ve got to get someone that knows what they’re doing to do your Facebook for you, because it’s not easy. Yeah.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:09:22] Exactly. Right. Just, just switch.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:09:25] Yeah, I’m not sure the sound’s working quite right there. Dave, do you want to talk? Yeah.

David Clarkson: [00:09:28] Just switching away from Facebook, what I’ve found is one of the best forms of advertising is advertising in yourself. And that means when you’re out there performing your service, whatever it may be, reinforce your name. And your availability to the people that you’re talking to or providing a service for. And if you, if you do that and the service is of good quality, you’ll find word of mouth will bring customers to your door.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:10:07] Good stuff. So advertising can be, you can advertise yourself. I was actually watching dragons Dean last night, and a guy turned up in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans and a $250,000 off them. And I just said, look at you. It’s what they said to want message you don’t you’re not taking us serious. They said, why should we take you seriously? They said look at you they actually said to him , you could have wore a nice shirt and a pair of slacks, and I see it in China when we speak. So, I mean, the way you handle yourself from an elite is obviously a big part of the advertising value.

Helen Oakes: [00:10:46] Yeah, I did. And I probably told you all this as well. I did Google advertising and I just kept checking money at that. And that was through an advertising agency and they kept saying, Oh, put another thousand this month on and put another thousand the next month. And I just checked $5,000 on Google and sold nothing.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:11:09] Yeah. So it’s a more of a problem. Any more, one more experience that we can add in there. Yeah.

David Clarkson: [00:11:17] One more day and that’s that only advertising I’ve done. And I guess that’s reflects my background as an accountant, but all the advertising I’ve done when I’ve done a campaign, I’ve tried to track it and see how much revenue is generated. And invariably it didn’t. So for my money, my experiences that advertising, especially on TV and then press more is good for brand awareness, but not so good for generating revenue and listen courses, especially specific thing like aside from.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:11:55] That kind of stuff, I loved when you got some thoughts, problems and begin.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:12:02] Okay. I’ll be very quick. Okay. I had a care business doing drawings for people, and I’ve iterated this one before I had a friend who had a magazine and I said, look, I really need some work in. I want to put it off. I think it would put a drop on a one page or two page. And he was a friend of mine and he said, look, don’t waste your money. He said, put a critic. Outside’s one it, and put it in for two years. He said for at least a year and roll it off. And it was absolutely. Cracking advice is because what happens, especially with a magazine is that people often don’t need you when they first see you Edward, but they might remember where it is. And then they’ll often nine months later, he will be saying, Oh, I remember you advertising in February. Now. It’s still, we need you. And we knew we looked the magazine advert at the back when there was, and it was honestly, my experience is the best value is long-term just reminding people on a regular basis. Correct. So that was my experience. I got some good advice.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:12:57] So like some consistency. So

Helen Oakes: [00:13:00] Long term advertising really? Isn’t it?

Lachlan McNeill: [00:13:03] Yeah, definitely. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:13:07] Good stuff. That’s a good experience. All right. So moving around, we’re gonna talk about problems. I mean, Helen’s touched on a few. She said problems as you spend far too much money. Or you run into money before you find the right formula in a way. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it would be ultimate, wouldn’t it really, if you said to somebody, I remember when I used to do a lot of hotel bookings or they the booking agents, like flag used to take 30% commission if they got a booking. And then when rental cars come around, people would say, Oh, w we’ll pay 25%. If you book a rental car with us, I then as the industry grew, they said 10%, but. Team has in advertising to get us out. It was actually a dream come true formula. But if you can find a place where you can spend 10% of your, you know, your stuff and get a sale these days it seems like you have to spend 30 or 40% to even test the market. Yeah.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:14:04] Yeah.

David Clarkson: [00:14:06] Another one coming on from that Danny, you know media. And most media advertising is expensive and you know, the other business costs you’ve got to, you’ve got to provide for it.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:14:22] There’s no guarantee. Hmm.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:14:27] I certainly think that quick responses are expensive going to back to what I said before at what I, what I was told by a guy is that we often think about advertising when we re leave to work. Was it? Oh my goodness. I’ve got nothing on, I must add the time. Whereas what does it cost? The wisdom of seniors? And I have a lot of clients who work for consultancies and they have a sore tooth work profile. In other words, That developer project that things get busy and visit was the, then they launched that project construction project gets done and then everyone has be as, and they go home, but they’re by that stage, they’ve got no work because they’d be working on other jobs as they should, their wisdom, as you said, so advertise or keep advertising consistent all the way through at a small at a lower level.

Helen Oakes: [00:15:12] You’re so right. Yeah. Cause people what was advertised when they need the work, don’t they not down points. So if you did it the whole time.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:15:22] yeah. Given the lead time budget. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it is hard thing. It’s just being top of mind. You know, it’s a real problem, but when you do that, one is that often we think too, like we want to put a big splash in because we suddenly need the work. We’ve got nothing on advertise, advertise, advertise, and I’m not sure if it works so much anymore.

Helen Oakes: [00:15:47] And now that point Lachlan. Similar to what you’re saying, Lachlan, I often see like subway McDonald’s and companies like that and say, why do they advertise? Because so many everyone knows who they are. So why do they have these massive billboards and spend all this money advertising when they don’t really need to? Is that, do you think? Cause they want to be front of mind.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:16:12] Yeah, absolutely. Currently COVID spent 50% of their profits advertising. I’m acting tougher than mine, you know?

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:16:26] Mike Pero, I said that he, for the first three years of his business, he spent 45% of his turnover on advertising. Wow.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:16:34] It’s a huge amount. Isn’t it? Really?

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:16:37] So problems that we’ve got, if we’re looking at advertising, it’s finding the right audience to advertise with. Isn’t it.

David Clarkson: [00:16:47] Yeah, well it’s yeah. It’s yeah. It’s targeting the right audience. And I think sometimes it can be a problem. I just thinking of sharing who the you, or who the audience really is, and be handy to get to them, you know, which is, which is the most effective form. Yeah, but you know, I’m on the hand, you know, that can take quite a lot of work, turn off.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:17:11] Certainly the problems is really, if you’re quite right, David, I mean, as I said before, people were very happily. We’ll take your money for advertising, but they don’t really often have a vested interest in government near the results. In fact, slightly cynically. If they gave the results, then you wouldn’t. Can you come back for more advertising? Would you. Yeah, my last thing is honesty would have had tremendous result.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:17:40] What’s the biggest problem we’ve got with advertising in this, cause we’ve got one more box to fill in here because partnering with advertising, is it the cost getting the balance? Right.

David Clarkson: [00:17:50] Getting the content right. Danny Sullivan had some Mark

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:17:54] Good meetings on investment. It was, he had some good, sorry, what were you saying?

Paul Starling: [00:18:02] I think for small business and it’s the lack of return on investment.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:18:08] Yeah. Yeah. And knowing whether you’ve got that correct. One on it. All right. So let’s go on to solutions. How can we fix this problem? What are we gonna do about that?

Helen Oakes: [00:18:19] Like said Lachlan said.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:18:21] yep. I think the wisest things talk to people in similar industries and find out what’s actually worked for them.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:18:30] Okay. So look at your competitors and see what they’re doing. Yeah.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:18:34] Most directly competitors, for example, I’m not, I mean, I’ve been in my recruitment business, I’m on up for another business that does, you know people, the people business and talk them because I’m not going to hear results from necessarily from my competitors. I also, I do belong to some events groups on, on them. On Facebook on recruitment. And I do get a lot of information because that only UK the, or you’re not a competition, so I get really useful stuff from them. But so yeah.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:19:02] Now what you just said was actually a really good thing. You could look at other countries and see somebody in Australia or in America and how that advertising your.

Helen Oakes: [00:19:11] Would that work here though? Is it transferable?

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:19:14] No, but they, they advertise them. Well, I don’t know if I went to Australia, I found a business networking company and I saw where they were promoting themselves. I might learn something or glean some ideas.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:19:27] Yeah, cracking idea. That’s a really, really good idea. I joined all sorts of groups just to find out and quite often, I also, I have to say, I do find that podcasts are brilliant because especially two people from an industry talking away, there’s a lot that just two mates chatting and sometimes they, I think they forget the audiences there. So yes, we get some real gems.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:19:48] Podcasts and he’s

Lachlan McNeill: [00:19:49] Here’s a tech search to search things through the through the notes to the podcast notes. It’s much quicker if you go to the back, like advertising flipped to us, of course not the course notes, you know, that they they call it podcast notes. There’s a name for it. I don’t find out.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:20:08] Yeah. I know. Show notes. Try not to. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That’s cool. Try notes. Yep. All right. So the solutions that we could do who’s has a good experience with advertising and some ways not as Canterbury, the diet thing, I don’t personally think that’s going to make any difference to me, but I remember one person said to me once. How much would you pay for an elite six member? And at the time their membership was $708 a year plus year’s team. And I said, $708 plus GST on pay for a member. And they said, Oh, your money for a membership, you would pay. And I said, if that member is good, technically as my systems are good, he should bring in two or three new people with them. And that was my mentality. You sometimes you can just get that one person that attracts two or three other people with them and they use the advertising dollar well spent. You see, you know, the ones that didn’t do as well. Yeah.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:21:11] Hmm going back that you put them on the podcast in good. It can be a good way to advertise, but actually I think it was a good way to find out what works for your competition.

Helen Oakes: [00:21:21] Okay. Yep.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:21:24] Yeah. Computer stores. And you go onto the podcast and you see an interview with someone from computer store who might be in Brisbane or, or whatever, and you find out how they, how they. Differentiated themselves. I love the Chester government podcast to find out what works with people. As I said before, you go to an advertising company and they will want to sell you advertising, regardless of who it is, if it’s going to work or not, they get paid to sell you advertising, not to give you results. But if you find out, you know, podcasts are an internet forum to find out these things.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:21:56] Another really cool one. I know a company talking about it and I could iTop. And that just paid this branding company, thousands of dollars. And they’ve rebranded them, the redone, all there vehicles, and now their slogan is better at it. Now if you when to them I am sure you would glean some ideas and I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t have to pay the thousands of dollars. I have to rebrand other solutions when looking to advertise. I did hear of somebody who said don’t pay a bill if we don’t get you any sales. They spent $1,800 trying to sell office furniture. And so on $163 worth of stuff in a month, they didn’t charge my client for the time that they did buy and pay the $1,800 for the advertising. But I never tuned into the $163 with the sales because I thought they knew their industry better than I did.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:22:50] Yeah. I also do think as knowing your positioning’s really important, you know, I think regardless story, a few weeks back, all the I in the UK, if you had a car parts store and and he, one of his best adverts was a tiny, the advert in the newspaper. He ran for years for tow bars because. Why do people, people don’t buy a premium Toba is they want the cheapest one they can get. So if your advert looks cheap, that’s perfect for that type of product. Well, it might be even a follow up. So what’s something chicken, barley, barley, straw, you know, it, people want to cheap. So you’ve got to advertise accordingly. People are going to pay more for your bunny straw because you got a fancy advert. They’re just losing profits.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:23:38] Yeah. Yeah. So it’s really is nine new Clientele and how to advertise to those. Isn’t it.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:23:43] And what’s going to be the book, right? Ownership is cheap. Something. That’s fine. If you look for camera, you’re not going to go for cheap and nasty ethic because you want support. You want a quality item, but you know, when you’re given a cheap old phone either.

Paul Starling: [00:23:59] But the quality is for.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:24:02] Say that again please.

Paul Starling: [00:24:03] I disgree with you on the fact that people want the quality and the support. It’s like the white house and all the other big box companies approves that people go for the cheapest option.

Helen Oakes: [00:24:13] Yeah. High-end cameras and things like that.

Paul Starling: [00:24:19] Yeah. But again, I have a priority of people that are just buying a product.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:24:25] The Melville camera. We has a thing yesterday and bought a cable for my camera to plug into my computer. I don’t even, I didn’t even look at the price of the cable. I wanted the proper one because I needed to run at 4k. Now I could have gone to a warehouse and probably found the same table cheap, but I went to the most expensive place that I want to turn and face in mind. Not everyone will go for cheap.

Paul Starling: [00:24:50] I think you find the majority to all right. I’ll think it’s big. Cause you’ll specialized in, you’ll doing it for a purpose and you want the quality. That you’re willing to spend the money on getting the best. So it sounds the best experience with computers definitely is people just want the cheapest, even if they’re saving $10.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:25:12] I f somebody was buying a brand name. Yeah.

Paul Starling: [00:25:16] Because the different thing is somebody has a model. Isn’t that?

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:25:20] This is a funny one because my mate sells those Garmin watches. And at the moment, rebel sport will undercut him. But people ring up him and they go, will you price match? And I was doing it on Saturday and I said, no, we won’t price match. We have them in stock. And if it goes wrong with anything we will guarantee, we’ll give you a replacement and they go, I still come in and bought it from us because I knew they didn’t have it in stock. So sometimes, sometimes I know what you’re saying. If you’re buying a make or model of something, it doesn’t matter who you bought it from. But yeah, people will come back. They had a relationship with my friend and they will come back to them and buy it with them over and over again, because I bought a watch strap to go with it, or it was one of those Birthday present. I wanted to know how to work it. They want it to feel the product. They want to have a demo in store, all these sorts of things. They can’t solutions with advertising a trip.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:26:12] I was going to say someone, everyone talks about going up for the premium reminder, but sometimes it’s perfectly okay to go cheap. You know, I mean, there was a, the snow marketing course at it, and they picked a scenario with a tourism scenario. What was that Nelson way years ago. And they have a picture of this. Got this pit out to the detours around the beaches. And they said, what would you do? And he said, Oh, well, we have a new truck of what new signage and fancy signage and a waiting room and this sort of stuff. And then they said, hang on, here’s the competition down the road, which was exactly like that. And then people said, Oh, hang on a minute. They’re going for the backpack of market. Yeah, so let’s go, let’s go cheap. Let’s have a rundown old bus, put a bad character, have this, you know, make it quirky. And you’ve got the backpack market and it’s hugely profitable. So, you know, there’s nothing wrong with, because you’ve got the important things to know your possession there. If it’s cheap, old Toba, fine. It’s make a lot of money out of that. And as Paul says, you know, if you’re selling a budget, you can make money there, but knowing your positioning support.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:27:14] All right. So is it discussed it? No. You permission in the backend, is there any other solution that we could, okay. Any other solutions that we can also pay for her looking? So I often hear people get a whole lot of money to start a business, and then trying to delegate some money to advertising. What advice would you give them if they had an advertising budget? One would probably be don’t do anything without checking with a few friends first, but ask a friend that advertises regularly, or maybe go to the magazine that you’re looking at, thinking about advertising and ring up one of the advertisers and say, how long have you been advertising in this magazine and why?

Lachlan McNeill: [00:27:57] Yep, absolutely. I’ve done that before.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:28:02] Yes. So it may be as maybe just ask other advertisers. Cause we were running out of time at the moment, ask other advertisers for their experience.

David Clarkson: [00:28:13] I suggest Danny is, is think of some other solutions, one and Y key advertising things at the moment. And the marketing told us the book that I’ve written. On public speaking in business presentations, scribbles. Now that’s a great form of advertising and gets the word out there that that’s what I’m in the business of. And I’m an expert. Yeah.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:28:38] So solution could be having downloadable PDFs, or maybe a book that people could purchase that will give you more credibility As an advertiser. All right now. What about takeaways? So the game.

David Clarkson: [00:28:55] Look before you leave, do you do your research before you spend your money? Oh yeah. Takeaways. Yeah.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:29:04] Sorry. The sound is sound’s not too good guy, guys. I’m pretty sure we’re going to get good sound when we’ve put this out as a podcast, but I am struggling a little bit with sounds that I, so thank you for persevering with that over-talking zone. Cause we it’s it, to me, everyone’s quiet at the moment. That doesn’t mean it’s not down about that, but Raymond. Have you got even Sydney quality? Have you got any takeaways or anything that you got from today’s meeting?

Raymond Lum: [00:29:26] I tried radio advertisement years ago through a Christian organization. I was working in the takeaway shops. The time puppet, maybe got one or two customers out of it. So it wasn’t greatest success, but what I’ve noticed for Friday, I would like someone said before, is that. And what I’ve noticed is that they just keep repeating the same ad and the longer term. So it’s, it’s just their longterm game when you’re doing radio advertisement.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:29:55] Cool.

Raymond Lum: [00:29:55] But it is quite expensive. And another thing that I’ve I’ve noticed is when the sales pitch comes along, they’re saying we reach. X amount of people, for example, magazines go or newspapers go. We just shoot so many to so many people, but it’s the tune over? Are they seeing your ads? The thing? Yeah, so.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:30:18] So your long-term gain is the way to get the advertising for that. Paul was, you got somebody there that you’ve got from today or.

Paul Starling: [00:30:28] It’s just confirmed really my experience. I’m obviously not on my own. Everyone seems to have a similar experience.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:30:37] I finding what I’m doing at the moment. I got a company that contacted me yesterday as a charitable trust, and I’ve got a device doc I’ve got, and they want advice and sitting up a podcast. And it’s my ideal client, really, because I want to teach people how to. You know what I’m doing, how to set up a podcast, set up by the farmers, had to edit things and all that sort of stuff. And I was quite chuffed that they contacted me, but obviously they’re seeing what I’m doing and I’m out there, you know what I mean by do you know? I think that’s where advertising people know what you’re doing and being quite vocal. It’s been quite good for me, but I mean, also I don’t want to pay for any advertising. I actually am. my advert, that’s the thing your advertising was through your website. I searched for me and found me. So that’s where it comes from. I did explain to them that I’m not a charitable trust. So we’ll say that any day, I can back they’re going to pay me an hourly rate, which is really cool. So any more takeaways, anyone else?

Lachlan McNeill: [00:31:40] Well, I do think the landscape report before about you know, newspaper and stuff like that. I’m certainly hearing that, you know, if you look at this and a Gary V says, you’ve got to keep the attention, you’ve got to keep that content going and put out 48 pieces in a minute or something. Which sounds really tiring. But I think we do keep an eye or we have to realize this is probably a new wheel, quite conceivably new world now.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:32:03] Was it weird? I like omnipresence

Helen Oakes: [00:32:10] Omnipresence yeah. I mean, that’s good for Gary V and he’s got a whole team now. He wouldn’t have started off like that, but yeah, very hard for one man people to do all that stuff he talks about. Cause I remember reading his stuff and I thought, right. Okay. I could start doing that. And I thought, Oh my golly, that will be a full time job.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:32:35] All right. So where did we come? But today what, what sort of next topic do you think we can discuss that could make a meeting out of w we can have a few.

Paul Starling: [00:32:45] Outsourcing business functions outsourcing. Business functions. Give me an example of through another group which is IT-based for someone to do your social media strategy and basically just put the strategy in place and create, yeah. This part was probably two, three and a half thousand us dollars about.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:33:15] I just would say run a hundred miles away from that I’m going to South.

Paul Starling: [00:33:20] They’re actually very successful. So they say, bring up the sorry, ring out there. Right. Advertisers and see how successful they are. I speak to the guys that Do work for that. They do the advertising for, and these guys are bringing in contracts at $20 $30,000 and butts. So

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:33:44] You’re going to do try that are you?.

Paul Starling: [00:33:46] No because I don’t have the money to spend on it.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:33:49] Right. So if you re to outsource, seeing say our topic, next week was on outsourcing.

Paul Starling: [00:33:53] Business functionality. Yeah.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:33:56] I don’t know how to talk about them.

Helen Oakes: [00:33:58] Well it’s seem like , outsourcing your Facebook account. outsource your social media emails.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:34:09] I outsourced recruitment, recent

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:34:11] I’m going to struggle with that topic because I kind of probably that might be good for me cause I don’t sort, we are overtalking, we’re actually overtalking each other. So there’s no point talking can’t actually hear anyone who would like to go first Paul?

Paul Starling: [00:34:25] I I’ll just saying, as Helen said, when you’re one manband , you can’t do everything. But you need the expertise of other people at certain points in time.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:34:34] So I just said to you before, you’re going to do it. And you said you don’t have the money. So that was my argument on that. I don’t have the money to outsource.

Paul Starling: [00:34:41] That particular thing. Yes. But there’s other stuff you do. I’ve had people design websites, design, advertising material, doing graphic design for me.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:34:52] I don’t, I did have people design my logo, so yeah, I did outsource that side of it. I don’t like it. Lachlan did you have a comment on that?

Lachlan McNeill: [00:35:01] Yeah, I just thought, well, maybe if you don’t want to do, but what about if someone else like Paul could, whatever he could be there. Can he be the I feel that you could place all the buttons. I don’t yet. What about if Paul is the chair next week?

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:35:13] I can’t do it if he doesn’t get interrupted with the customer that

Lachlan McNeill: [00:35:17] We can give it a bit of whirl, how would you feel about that Paul?

Paul Starling: [00:35:21] Fine.

DANNY : DE HEK: [00:35:23] Let’s do that next week, all right, guys. So what I’ll do as well, push the button and saying thank you very much for coming along. If you’d like to join in a and I think tank meetings just go to our website dehek.com and you’ll find that ELITE : SIX, we run these meetings at 10 o’clock on Fridays. And we record them as a podcast. So hope you’ve enjoyed listening to us today. Thanks for tuning in. And don’t forget to listen to other episodes. So you know what we are all about.

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