DANNY : DE HEKThe concept of Pay it Forward is fabulous and kind-hearted, and it is also contagious!

By doing a good deed or favour for someone else, and in turn, they do a good deed or favour for someone else, and before you know it, the feel good factor has been spread far and wide!

If you are reading this, then you are probably keen to Pay it Forward to others and you might be surprised to discover that you are already ‘paying it forward’! Think of all those small random acts of kindness you show to others in your everyday life, from holding the door open for a stranger, to telling your partner how much you love them, complimenting a friend or just telling the check-out operator to “have a nice day”. These are all simple acts, yet expresses kindness just the same.

It doesn’t matter if you want your gesture to be big or small, as long as it comes from your heart, then you are ready to Pay It Forward!
Pay it Forward Ideas

Donate Money to a Good Cause

It may only be $1.00, but you will be helping someone else and/or supporting a good cause.

Volunteer for a Good Cause

Sometimes ‘time’ is more valuable then money. Clubs, groups and non-profit organisations are always looking for people to help with their fundraising events.

Check Out Courtesy

If the person standing behind you in the check-out has a basket of groceries and you have a trolley full… let them in ahead of you. A few minutes of your time will leave a big smile on their face!

Be Kind to the Environment

Participate in a beach or park clean-up. Pick up that bit of litter on the street instead of stepping over it. Plant a tree, and try to recycle.

Kindness to Animals

Volunteer at your local animal shelter or donate canned food, blankets, cat litter or toys.

Share the Love

When was the last time you told the people closest to you that you loved them, or how much they meant to you? You never know what the future holds, and sometimes those we love are gone sooner then we expected. Tell your loved ones that you love and appreciate them, often.

Hold that Door

It might be considered quite ‘old fashioned’ to open the door for someone else (male or female), but I can guarantee you will receive a grateful smile if you open the door for someone else, or hold it open for the person behind you.

Push that Trolley

Offer to push the shopping cart back to the store after someone has unpacked his or her groceries. Elderly people and mothers with young children will most appreciate this kind gesture.


Try and compliment someone everyday. It doesn’t have to refer to their physical appearance; compliments can be given for a job well done, someone’s bubbly personality, dedication to a task, enthusiasm, compassion, etc.

Morning Tea is on Me

Take some biscuits to work to share with your co-workers at morning tea.

Transform Yourself

Give yourself a gift that will also be received by others! How do you do this? Restrain from criticising or saying negative comments to anyone for an entire week.

Single Parent Appreciation

Offering to baby-sit for even just a couple of hours for a single parent is a very generous gesture. If you have children in the same age bracket, you could offer once or twice a week to pick up or drop off their child from school, or arrange to have a ‘play date’ at your place.

Share the Lunch

If you are out for brunch or lunch, pay for a stranger’s lunch. You don’t have to tell them, just arrange to pay it with the waiting staff and enjoy how great it feels when they are surprised to see someone has already paid for their meal!

Cough up for the Coffee

You don’t have to be as extravagant as a lunch shout, why not pay for a stranger’s coffee?

Meter Madness

Throw some spare change into someone else’s car-park meter.

Care Pack

Leave a care package at the front door of a family that you know are having a bit of a rough time and struggling.

Time is Priceless

Your time is the most valuable thing you will ever own. By giving some of your time to others you will be most appreciated. Time to listen to a small child tell you an important story, time to visit elderly people in a rest home, time to have a cup of tea with a friend, time to help someone else, time to… well, you get the idea. All the money in the world will never buy anyone more time, so think of this as the most precious commodity you have to share with others.

The list of ideas is endless! The above is just a small example of how easy it can be to Pay It Forward, no matter how small or big the gesture, Pay It Forward from the heart and your generosity and kindness will always come back to you.

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