DANNY  DE HEKELITE : SIX Think Tank meetings are discussed over ZOOM with our members every Friday at 9:30am.

Facilitated by DANNY : DE HEK meetings are recorded for our Podcast, we’ve been doing this since COVID-19 if you’re interested in joining in with us check out our Website.

Transcribed by Otter

Danny de Hek: [00:00:00] Welcome to ELITE : SIX  business networking think tank facilitated by your host, Danny, to hit the place where decision makers come together to share their experience, knowledge and skill.

Really good meeting today. It’s on organisation. A lot of people have got some good advice and they want to share it with you. So without further ado, lets start the meeting, ok guys.

So welcome along to the think tank meeting, we will start the meeting. Now we’ll do a meeting thing. Today is personal organisation, things that you use to help.

Yourself, stay , maybe electronically, maybe a piece of paper on the desk. Anything that all that you can think you can help some other people with, if you haven’t been to. I think tank meeting before we break it into four parts people’s experiences with trying to organise himself, problems that people are having with organisation and then solutions.

And obviously some takeaways at the end of the meeting. And then we come up with next week’s topic, which is quite groovy. So I was good,  what I’d like to do first is we’ve got our group of people here, so let’s have a introduction of who you have. Cause, last week I think I told you guys, which you have 150 listeners to our podcast and in seven days, which is really good.

So people that are listening are probably wondering who is actually on this podcast. I’ll start at the top. My top might not be your top. Does that make sense, Paul, do you want to introduce who you are and what you do?

Paul Starling: [00:01:24] Yep. I’m Paul stalling. I run Canterbury Computer Services in Rangiora, and we are a residential break fix. And look after small businesses and their computing needs and providing solutions for them.

Danny de Hek: [00:01:38] The majority of your customers would be using PCs. Would that be correct?

Paul Starling: [00:01:42] Yes. Majority is windows and Android and a few Apple customers.

Danny de Hek: [00:01:48] They’re very few Apple. They don’t break down. You’ll see

Paul Starling: [00:01:52] They won’t deal with the boys like us.

Danny de Hek: [00:01:55] My dogs go Apple, by the way, just in case, you’re wondering, Helen do I know

Helen Oakes: [00:01:59] This is April I dog, and he’s really good on Apple products areas. I’m Helen  Mode de vie Photography, creating memories to laugh last, a lifetime. Do you like that catch phrase?

Danny de Hek: [00:02:14] It catches you stool. Excellent. yeah, maybe at one age, I want to know a little bit more about you too. You guys are married or you just happened to be in the same screen every month.

Jaline Pietroiusti: [00:02:26] Yes, we are married and we do work together.

Danny de Hek: [00:02:30] Oh, sorry. This is

Jaline Pietroiusti: [00:02:35] Surprisingly. Everybody thinks I would end up in divorce, but

Danny de Hek: [00:02:47] Oh, don’t do marriage counselling. Is that nervous moment where we shouldn’t have said that we’ve had a real rough week ourselves actually Helen’s had a few problems to deal with. Yeah.

Helen Oakes: [00:03:07] Yeah. But all good. All good.

Jaline Pietroiusti: [00:03:08] We work well together. The advice that I enjoy technology and development and the eCommerce space, which was cool. That’s exciting. Keeps us busy

Stef Pietroiusti: [00:03:16] Cross-cutting and shared responsibilities. We seem to be managing it. Yeah. Good stuff. So what’s the name of your company and how do people find you?

Jaline Pietroiusti: [00:03:26] it’s the odd wave. and you can just look us up it’s odd way. theoddwave.co.nz.

Danny de Hek: [00:03:32] not the odd couple, it’s wave, not odd couple.

Stef Pietroiusti: [00:03:37] Very good. What was the reason behind the company name? It’s just doing things differently than the norm. Actually, both sides chose the name anyway.

And a lot of it meaning not being different and it means like something new,

Danny de Hek: [00:03:57] even waves of big wave lumens. So we’re good.

James, are you up to, sorry,

Matt James: [00:04:05] I Matt James. The owner of not carry business services were provides small solutions to small, to medium size businesses, whether that be accounting or bookkeeping type services or business coaching and business analysis and that sort of thing. So we help people navigate their business journeys, you online.

Just NCBS. or just not new business service. I find a set quite easy. Brilliant. And you’ve been helping me along the way.

Danny de Hek: [00:04:39] So it’s been good. So thank you. Yeah, we’ll send you for while you’re playing hibernation now, make it. You don’t know me anymore. Are they buying your beer?


Mark Scown: [00:04:56] Yeah. Mark Scown. And fourth year of being insurance broker, after many years of being a school principal have seen the light now, what I specialize in is being able to do, longterm, Premium restructuring, that allows people to have sustainability and affordability rather than this exponential, raising of premiums into the thousands of Pacino says you get into your late forties and fifties. Yes, I do a little bit of small business insurance too, around that space.

Danny de Hek: [00:05:27] Basically when you get to the age of, maybe 60 instead of paying $800 a week, if you start paying a year, $400, now you can live a little off. So when you’re 17, you’re still paying the same premiums cause people don’t know what the word leveling means like a dyslexic person.

And how do we find you?

Mark Scown: [00:05:44] Everyone knows me, just a Google Mark Scown scan and you’ll get me as there is a risk there because there’s about six Mark Scown s and the, digital world, and one of them is a booze semen buyer from South Australia. So I’m not that brilliant.

Danny de Hek: [00:06:03] Alright, David Clarkson.

David Clarkson: [00:06:06] I am David Clarkson from dynamic communication.

We are public speaking in business presentation skills trainers, the OB predictive exercise for us as to build more competent, more confident, more credible communicators. We also do some small business training around just soft business skills.

Danny de Hek: [00:06:28] Brilliant

David Clarkson: [00:06:30] That’s courtesy of my three odd decades as a chartered accountant.

Danny de Hek: [00:06:34] Three decades and one person. Yeah. Oh, I’m sorry. Cut me on that one time, Dave. Experience on your shoulders. Alright. And Shaun, if you’re there, what do you do, Sean?

Shaun Jin: [00:06:48] The one from quality claim, doing one step, in property improvement services, we’re doing lots of pest controls and, property related staff.

You guys find us, thought quality cleaned  or end day quality clean in Facebook. you can Google us. That’s us.

Danny de Hek: [00:07:13] Excellent. I am Danny de Hek, I’m your host. And I’ve got a website where I help people with technology to hit.com. That is my main business. And also my patient is ELITE : SIX, where I help small to medium sized businesses.

I get the best. Out of the business. So if you’d like to see anything to do have us do chicken and Facebook pages, and also elite6.co.nz. That’s what we do. So now a mind map and a few are listening. You might know what a mind map is, but I use a program called mindnode. And this program is basically broken into a tree and it has branches.

And the branches that we’re discussing today is people’s experiences, problems coming up. Let me come up with some solutions and also come up with some takeaways on the theme of today, which is personal organization. So we in this window. Very experienced at organizing ourselves. How’s that going?


Shaun Jin: [00:08:14] Not really. Not really organized. Not at all.

Danny de Hek: [00:08:21] So what experiences have you had been? Not organized.

Shaun Jin: [00:08:25] Wow. Sometimes just, I really should have turns up, get or share Jews but they’re all crushed together. Okay. And, I’m trying to use calendars and it turns out it was not really helpful as arrogant. It’s like some sort of native inside of me.

I’m going to change another personalities too. Get things organized and it took me a long time to learn the lessons. So I, now I just feels ah, that’s me when I’m going to do, it’s not really organized, not really Put our sins on the tables and put our things in their calendars and then you’ll follow it.

I put ourselves in their calendar. I’m trying to figure out a way to solve the problems day by day, rather than doers on shared,

Helen Oakes: [00:09:18] Sean. Do you have a booking system that sort of alleviate some of that? they currently use, Google calendars more rather than just taking the phone calls and they’ve put up stuff into the calendars.

Shaun Jin: [00:09:32] Yeah that night at the start of do it, job one by one. And then that’s like the systems I’m using. I used to use, job locating software. I turns out not really working.

Helen Oakes: [00:09:45] Can you like with Google calendars, can you assign someone on your team to do the job? Yeah, I’m using that features, but, yeah, but studio still got a problem.

Shaun Jin: [00:09:59] You’ve still got a problem that you’re seeing. It’s not really organized. it is a bit organized, but not fully organized. yeah.

Danny de Hek: [00:10:07] I’ve had a lot of struggles. I’ve got, I use Calendly, which is a really a wee program. However, if I’m running a meeting like this, Black’s out of my calendar. And, I can had more than one person come into an at least six think tank meeting at the same time, because I want to have a group meeting.

It says you already had a meeting at that time and blacks it out. So it takes the top of my calendar. So there’s always a little weak glitch, your head when you’re trying to use a, a system. So yeah. Yeah.

Shaun Jin: [00:10:36] I fully understand. Yeah. Yeah. and also if you introduce more systems. Because you feel a cheese and then you feel, ah, I need something to help with the city of Asians, and then you bring another system onboard and then you’ll find out, ah, here’s another system, here’s another issues.

And then you bring another system on board and it turns out the whole sentence is going to complicate it.

Helen Oakes: [00:11:05] And sometimes when you bring another system on board, you double up. from one to the other, and then you don’t know which one you meant to be looking at, and then you, I do that. I’ve got a few systems.

I used one called tech top. Oh, I think it was called tech and I’m not tech talk. Yeah. and, yeah, it was good at first and then I just stopped using it. I just find that. Yeah, I forget to look at them, Cause

Shaun Jin: [00:11:30] I’ve got the key, you forgot to see them because their stick was Google calendar because that’s the only way only place you go and have a look.

What are you excited? Can I do on that day? And then even though it’s only a one system, I cannot, I forgot to see it. I cannot, I forgot to follow it up. Yeah. follow the schedules I made a couple of days ago. So yeah, pretty painful. Wednesday, we actually had a cool scene, which I read it to the group Canada’s called Google cheap, which is Chris Cameron told us to try.

And it was fantastic. And I did about our research. I do. I did my homework. I searched Google keep who were noticing the Gmail. They linked together. There’s a little trick that you can use to helping you out. And then I just realised, I just don’t really remember to check what has been put on Google, but which is a bit shame.

Helen Oakes: [00:12:34] Yeah. Google, keep we’ve worked out. It’s a little bit like melanoma as well. So it does similar things.

Danny de Hek: [00:12:40] anybody else got any experience? Does it Mark? Yeah.

Mark Scown: [00:12:43] I’ve put a few up there in terms of the electronic diary calendar. What have you, I guess for me, the secret is having it, pinging messages back to me, 30 minutes or 15 minutes before the event. So I’ve got a reminder via my cell phone, so that’s probably a crucial one, but actually, in every week I do a priority list of what I expect to do over the week. And sometimes that’s just refreshing of stuff that happened, in the previous week, but more often than not when I’m actually sitting at my a work place.

I, I’m writing stuff down as I think of it because something will jog your memory and I’m literally writing on the back of an envelope. I do take that information and formerly put it in, but yeah, often it’s just a jogger written down right beside me. Yeah.

Danny de Hek: [00:13:30] I’m a lawyer that we had in our group said to me that a contract can be on the back of an envelope if you like.

So don’t understand the power of the back of the envelope. but it is, I do post it notes myself sometimes, and I have a paperless, this, that I know the hell out of me. So encouraged me to file it or put it in a way where I won’t forget. What about a, that’s probably a good topic in itself. Actually.

What do we do when we don’t want to forget something? What should go to way of remembering something.

Mark Scown: [00:13:57] minus the Google calendar, there was a prompt. I will send me a text and it also send me an email.

Danny de Hek: [00:14:05] Good stuff.

Jaline Pietroiusti: [00:14:09] Oh, sorry. Okay. Jolene. Sorry, Halen. we use a pretty cool tool. It’s called click app and we use it for project management and all the projects we’re working on and, our pod and they project manager can also view what’s happening so you can list all the projects, write down all the tasks then as they finished.

you can, Costco to open, in progress review and clarify. Sorry. It’s really cool. Yeah. But actually

Stef Pietroiusti: [00:14:35] It’s way better than all the other schools, because you can actually start watching of something and change that into a task list. I have a normal desk to ask when we can just expect sport.

Danny de Hek: [00:14:47] What’s it? What’s it called? Click it.

Yeah. Okay

guys, clicker.com. Always don’t like searching for things. Live internet again. Yes.

David Clarkson: [00:15:10] Just a simple thing that can help us remember things that we want to do is just when we’re saying to ourselves. Oh, I must remember to do that. Just pause and take a minute and visualize yourself doing it. Okay. And that’s one of the, but you can actually put something into your memory to help you remember to do it.

Danny de Hek: [00:15:37] Good stuff.

Visualization of the screen right here. Yeah. Yeah, that’d be great. We had those published on the blog afterwards, too, so that you rarely see it there. Cause stuff guys. Alright. what we got now, we’ve got, problems people have with not being organized,

Matt James: [00:15:58] appointments. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. How embarrassing is that?

Danny de Hek: [00:16:04] We knew missing an appointment. and especially in my game when I’m in technology. Yeah. I get overwhelmed with notifications and the that, even if I get a notification, I’m really enjoying using zoom, not zoom back calendly is really cool because what I was going to do, I was going to flip onto a shared screen and just show you why I like it.

If I can do that without it being awkward. so if I’m a hold it, I’m just going to put that code in there for. Aye. Aye. This is what I was about. Depend on that damn screenshot to trust.  my, all my appointments now that anything I have a meeting with goes on too. So if I want to allege chat 15 minutes meeting with somebody, then we’ll show them, the days that you can schedule a 15 minute chat with me.

So I’ve got nine, eight and 15 sacraments. Once I click that comes them. What’s your name? The email address and all the things that I potentially, I think they want my help with. And then I put the phone number and it takes them before the meeting an hour, 30 minutes and five minutes before the meeting.

Then when I only use one calendar, cause I’ve got confused and it doesn’t look like I’ve got anything on here, but this is only ZOOM meeting. So today I’ve got a meeting with. This guy, and I can reschedule that meeting cause that guy originally booked at nine 30 today. So I just rescheduled it. He’ll get an email with a button to click on, but the point of it really is he will get, a link.

We, he gets the access to the ZOOM room and the whole nine yards, just all in one go and I don’t have to do anything and he’ll get a reminder, 30 minutes. And five minutes before the meeting and then, he’s in the room and it’s just a brilliant way. And also every time on the bottom of the emails now, I just tell people it’s Chat, let’s talk and schedule a meeting with me.

And that’s how I answer a lot of people who want to talk to me. So I’ve had some Indian people contact me recently about writings and blogs, and I can’t get them up my spam list every day. I get a letter from linkbuilding.com. So now I’ve asked them to schedule a meeting with me so I can talk about it and tell her that I’m really interested.

Ironically, I’m going to tell them, they might talk me into using these services, but it’s just a great way of getting rid of people as well.

Helen Oakes: [00:18:31] Does it link like Google calendar or something.

Danny de Hek: [00:18:38] So I’ve over the years, what you call Google calendars and then having a shared calendar where people in the office and it just, I could never get it up. But one thing I do doing has been able to say, Hey, Siri, make an appointment. For three o’clock on Wednesday and it will never save it to my preferred calendar or save it to the phone calendar.

So right now, Siri is trying to make an appointment with me. And I’m trying to tell that to go away. Some have given up using those calendars and I’ve just decided to use the default calendar that’s built into my device. And then when you use calendar, it lets you connect to your, Apple. And your, your Google calendar or your outlook calendar automatically.

So you get a choice. Most of them don’t allow you to connect to Apple calendar, but just, it seems to be working quite well. Going forward to me, I only just finished setting it up. Yeah. So the problem I’ve had with it is basically, appointments going into different calendars and not having one central calendar.

Does anyone find a better way of managing that?

Helen Oakes: [00:19:41] Too many?

Paul Starling: [00:19:42] Just have one tool, one tool, one calendar, and there will be others ditch the Google ditch, the outlook, and stick with the iPhone.

Helen Oakes: [00:19:52] I’ve got the Samsung calendar, a Google calendar. I. Something else, calendar I’ve got far too many. And then I don’t know where they go.

Mark Scown: [00:20:02] The more layers you put in there is the greater potential for missing something or fighting that as a business opportunity.

David Clarkson: [00:20:09] One of the things I find is that, being in a relationship, I have my calendar and what I don’t do very often. And this causes a bit of grief sometimes is lit my partner know.

what’s in my calendar, so I’ll be all set to do something and she’s got something else in mind that she will wants to do. And Hey, it can be a bit of friction sometimes. So is the thing. I only have one calendar, which is basically in my outlook. I use the outlook calendar, but what I also do is go up and put my, I try to remember to put the same entries and the, my wife’s manual calendar and that way we avoid problems.

Matt James: [00:20:53] I look at my calendars and email and so I can also have, my wife is part of the business, but also. Just my wife. so I can see all of her color appointments as well. One sign screen at the same time. So sometimes people want to see both me and Billy, so we can make those appointments if they find out. So it’s, and also I know where she is and she knows where I am and that’s quite a good, useful tool to avoid arguments.

Danny de Hek: [00:21:19] Having a few arguments are you Matt?

Helen Oakes: [00:21:24] Matt sort of phone do you have? Do you have iPhone or Android?

Matt James: [00:21:31] I have a Samsung

Helen Oakes: [00:21:34] cause mine Samsung than I. Yeah.

Matt James: [00:21:37] I can see too. I can’t, I can see both calendars there, but not overlaid on the computer. I can, so I can actually see is one view. And Billy stuff’s one color mystuff and Arbor color.

Okay. And so I can see, where we’re at, but on the Samsung I have to, I just got to. Two different two accounts and I can just the calendar and I just toggle between the two. Yeah.

Shaun Jin: [00:22:02] I use Samsung as well, but, I can use other Android cell phone. regardless of what brand you use, don’t use the building calendars.

Helen Oakes: [00:22:12] Yeah. Yeah

Shaun Jin: [00:22:13] because they all under the Google, frame. So the better way to stigmatize the Google. Yeah. And, In that way you can get over your stuff.  into the one system, which is Google system. And, for Samsung kind of the it’s apply it, just, copy it up from the Google. So I don’t really even bother to open.

Helen Oakes: [00:22:35] Okay. yeah,

Shaun Jin: [00:22:35] only put in the stuff into the Google calendars deal for you don’t have to worry about different layers.

Helen Oakes: [00:22:43] Yeah.

Shaun Jin: [00:22:44] Or I always, I understand the, they. the logic behind the us, just, if you want a synchronized from one system to another, always have a main system.

So once you know which one is your main system, you’re always going back to that. And then, other systems just, like copies, so you don’t make a mistake.

Danny de Hek: [00:23:08] I started using a better software. That was a multi calendars app. And you could Lincoln all your calendars into one device.

That reason. I just never found myself using it. But, yeah. And there’s a bit of a issue. It’s just, it’s getting heat around it too. Isn’t it? It’s the online real time bookings and I’m fine with it, but I’ve just got rid of it really. But sometimes was just like, I’ve got an important appointment, like a dentist.

I should use a bit of sticky paper with something, which is, sounds stupid when you get to my level of technology, but it’s outside the environment I work in when it’s a personal thing. Yeah. Alright. So problems if we got any more in there. So

Mark Scown: [00:23:51] I put one on, back being reactive, rather than proactive, reactive, not proactive.

Danny de Hek: [00:23:56] Would you do that? Maybe I missed that. Yeah. . No I am.

Mark Scown: [00:24:06] Yeah. Thank you. I enjoy it.

Danny de Hek: [00:24:09] yeah. Okay. So probably it’s got a few problems. So why is it important even? Is it important? Do we have to be organised? Does that disorganised person get more done?

Shaun Jin: [00:24:21] I’m fine. I’m not really, people, but, I’m waiting too.

So this is not really someone told me. You have to, it’s like from my heart. So I’m willing to get things organized, this kind of like inside of your heart, you’re willing to do it. It’s not really like someone asks you. Hi,

Danny de Hek: [00:24:43] I’ve got one. I’m going to pick on you, Sean. you have never, I think maybe once tuned up actually on time, usually tune up right on time or wait a minute late.

And I’ve had that terrible thing. We’re all often I don’t want to be there five minutes early. I don’t know why my James Manser, he used to be in the military. He’s always there 10 minutes early and never failed. But on that guy, that’s screeching in that last minute. It’s important that I don’t waste it.

So what’s that mentality called? Oh, wow.

Mark Scown: [00:25:14] it’s just some time mentality and in many ways, if you can sell it, you are efficiently using your time. The best. No, I logged on at nine 29 and a half catch this meeting tonight. \

David Clarkson: [00:25:29] Here’s the thing I was logging on at about, I suppose 27 minutes past nine.

And the connection filed with just, it was just a brief file, but the day they happen. And so basically by the time I got back on again, I was a minute late it’s so if we do met thing of tuning up. 10 to five minutes really thin in actual fact, we’re always going to be on time and it covers everything that goes wrong.

And that’s one of the big things around, and I guess this is what the whole conversation brings me back to is the heart. This whole thing around diaries is also around planning and organizing our lives so that if we’re going to be using our diaries effectively, we’ve got to think about. those goals that we’ve got, the things that we’ve set for ourselves and build those into our diaries as well.

And I think that’s one of the big filings for a lot of people that they’ll put the appointments in, but they won’t try shingling themselves as well. So that’s my opinion with.

Stephen Fitzgerald: [00:26:30] Following on from that, David, I think there’s a degree of respect. or lack of respect when you refer to time. if James turns up 10 minutes early, he respects the other person’s time more than himself.

And if you turn up at the last minute and you’re five or 10 minutes late, then you are not respecting that person’s time.

David Clarkson: [00:26:50] And it’s not professional either. Steven.

Stephen Fitzgerald: [00:26:52] No. And, I used to always say to my father a better, late than never. And he told me better than ever than later.

Matt James: [00:27:00] I used to have a manager units years ago. And he would violently slammed the door of a meeting on the point of time. And you weren’t allowed in, if you weren’t on time, he would, you had to be there and you’ve got you. If you weren’t there and you knew you were going to get a right rollicking, Afterwards, but you learned and you were always there on time.

Danny de Hek: [00:27:25] Okay. I think it’s an interesting thing. Isn’t it? Yeah. Lots of interesting stuff there. I’ve just never figured out why always you have to be down to the last one down to the wire and it’s just really weird. How do you get yourself out of that?

Mark Scown: [00:27:43] I do think some people are wired. Like they’re getting a new, you just have to work your own solutions around that, by understanding it.

And then you get to that other small group of people who their life lives are in total chaos all the time. and no matter what others do for them or around them, they don’t change. That’s how they operate. And she,

Danny de Hek: [00:28:04] That’s a really good topic. I see. Do you think, I think I’m very productive and I get a lot done.

And I’m wondering if you guys, even though you might not use a diary or be organized, do you feel that you guys are productive people or do you, what helps you be productive?

Shaun Jin: [00:28:20] making money.

Danny de Hek: [00:28:22] Yes. I often see people, I call it, hurry up and wait, but they’ll find some new software and or energy sit legally, get in there and get it organized and get all their ducks in a row.

And then do nothing. They use it to procrastinate.

Mark Scown: [00:28:35] Yes.

Danny de Hek: [00:28:38] Excuse not to do it, like combing your hair, but never leaving to go out.

David Clarkson: [00:28:47] The people trying forever and never do anything. Yeah. Oh yeah.

Helen Oakes: [00:28:51] There’s plenty of those. You’ll be

Mark Scown: [00:28:54] abundant at the, the underlies here is around, personal discipline. Yeah. Yeah, it’d be bringing that to your workplace. then you should be able to sort it through. Yeah.

Helen Oakes: [00:29:05] I was listening to this really good, audio book yesterday and it’s called atomic habits. And the guy was talking about it’s similar subject. The guy was talking about, the reason why we don’t complete tasks, cause I’m a bit of a. Danny’s always going, let’s finish this and I’m going, Oh no, I’ve started something else. Yeah. Bored. And that’s the reason why we don’t finish tasks is we get bored of the task and we’re looking for something else to do.

And that’s me and a T.  it was really interesting book to listen to. And it’s all about habit forming and how you can break bad habits. It was really interesting.

Stephen Fitzgerald: [00:29:48] You read the break, the habits. Hell no, you put finishes around you, I’m like you I’m a stat or, and I get all my pleasure out of staffing.

If something comes up that I can stop, but for my kid, an opportunity to finish something, I’ll start the next thing. So I’m aware of that characteristic and I need to put finishes around me and my team attitude to become a finisher. And then that might mean a lot of stat or anymore. do I really want to complete and not start? I’m sorry, Dave.

David Clarkson: [00:30:21] One of the things I feel as a sort of sense of frustration when I’ve got jobs half done. And I feel really good when I’ve got them done. So I just use that motivation of keep on and get it down.

I’m going to feel good. And so that’s what keeps me going well,

Helen Oakes: [00:30:36] funnily enough day, they, in the book he said that motivation was the key thing that makes you finish a job. You’ve got to stay motivated even. Cause he was talking about athletes too. You might not feel like training on a raining day, but the thing that puts the athlete in front of the amateur is that they’ll do it on a rainy day and it’s just having that motivation to keep going.

David Clarkson: [00:30:59] Yeah. Coke

Danny de Hek: [00:31:03] solution, sorry. Yeah, there’s a terrible foot of wood. But anyway, what I was going to say there was another one is having lists helped me because I get stuff done. I get that sense of accomplishment and I can cross it off. But if I have a thing on my list and it keeps looking at me, I have a time limit on a list if it’s there.

And if I have an idea, it’s on the board and it’s not done in six months, I literally take it off. I don’t keep it. And if I have a to do list, then I want that done weekly. And if not, I’ll clear it on a Friday and find out why I didn’t do it, whether it was important. Yeah.

David Clarkson: [00:31:38] I think the essential thing with that sort of thing, Danny, is that it’s a journey.

And because I think one of the things is that sometimes we can get upset if we don’t tick all the things off on our list sort of business, but the list is never going to finish. Because if we look at our lives, there’s always things to do to go on the, to do list. And so I think the thing that you use for as you use it as that guy, if you’re saying to yourself, Oh, I just finished now, what am I going to do next?

Then at least you’ve got the list to go to straight away to basically point you onto the next important thing. I’ve put the name of the book and they’re talking about habits, James clear, and you can get it on. I don’t all I go into playbooks. Yeah, you could get it on Apple. But the other thing is, secondly, what you said then David, is that, if he said, if you make goals the day before, so you write your list for the next day.

Helen Oakes: [00:32:32] And then you might hit seven things you’ve got to do. He said then on that day, what you think is what task do I absolutely have to get done if I’m going to be away for a month and do that task?

David Clarkson: [00:32:44] Yeah, the ugly frogs, Tracy, that book,

Danny de Hek: [00:32:49] if you haven’t listened to it, honestly grab it. It’s a eat that frog by Brian Tracy.

Shaun Jin: [00:32:54] Amy, Dave frog is doing this year or codings. I have to do it today. I believe on finished as the next thing. Isn’t it. And he smoked.

Danny de Hek: [00:33:11] I say the ugly one first, a Brian Tracy. All right guys. Good stuff. I really like this sort of stuff. I know my stuff. I’ve got four big too that I need to do. And I’ve been hiring, I’ve been waiting for about two months and I’ve been procrastinating doing everything gas, get my ducks in a row before I start my new task.

But every now and again, I sit there and I think. I don’t have to do my emails. I don’t have to purchase orders. maybe I should start that new tasks and it’ll set a Helen. Hey, do you want to go out shopping and looking for something? Hi. I wanted to buy some little lights and he goes, Are we going out?

Helen Oakes: [00:33:46] No, I’m going to order them online. And he was like, Oh, okay.

Danny de Hek: [00:33:53] Yeah. Yeah. It is a lot of that. I taught about the end good stuff. All right. So we’ve got some other solutions. So w what did we get most joy out of when we’re running a business? When obviously accomplishing tasks do we have, do we use accountability? Do we get people. They make us accountable in minutes.

What we’re doing here. Sometimes I’d love to voice. I remember I was trying to do, I had a job that took me two and a half years to finish, and the guy paid me to do two websites and then I did the first one, but then a couple of weeks. And then he said, no, hurry for the second one. And it took two and a half years before I finished that he’d already paid me for it.

Oh no, I hadn’t. That’s right. Yeah. And Titan his money. That’s only two and a half years to get around it and he was fine with it. And then one day I just sat down there and grinded it out for, I think it was two days. Got the job done, got paid and it wasn’t on my mind for two and a half years. The, what did I do there?

Mark Scown: [00:34:49] No idea I didn’t die. yeah, he’s still alive.

Danny de Hek: [00:34:54] He’s not that young to be honest, but yeah, a lot of people do that sort of stuff. Sometimes there are

Matt James: [00:35:00] a lot of people come to me because they’re on their own in their business. And while I need something to help make the plan of what the needs do then to hold them accountable.

And if necessary then reprioritize, if stuff happens and they have to refocus. My experience is a lot of small business owners can struggle with that, or they just want that second opinion or that, second, critical view of the business. It might be someone who’s not intimately involved with it and will get distracted.

so that’s what a lot of my time is doing is understand their businesses, getting a plan for their business, and then helping them work through that plan and

Mark Scown: [00:35:35] objective for you. Can I give you

Danny de Hek: [00:35:38] another example of Danny? If I ever go for a nice meal, when I went to vegan, this is. I used to always eat the wispy troubles and the worst food first.

And then I’d leave the beautiful steak, for example, that was cooked to perfection last and eat it warm. And that’s a mentality I’ve never figured out either. Does anyone else that you get food like that? What do you eat the best first?

Mark Scown: [00:36:00] That sounds like a deep seated

Danny de Hek: [00:36:03] I’ve got lots of issues that wondered if that was normal.

David Clarkson: [00:36:06] But it’s the skier. So that you mean, I, sorry, they had an actual fake Denny is a reflection of what they used to call the product, the Protestant ethic, where it’s, if it’s going to be any good for you, it’s got to hurt. So you get the Hertz stuff out of the way first, and then you hit the way that I want.

Danny de Hek: [00:36:26] I used to say, I sabotage my own missions and I don’t know that we’ve been in the garage. Just see it. But yeah, definitely a few issues. They said it’s great. long before I was a vegan, eh, I tell you what I did, the guy back, I was in the supermarket and we found that it makes you buy coconut yogurt.

I’m not really a yogurt eater anyway, cause he used to always upset me. But now these coconut yogurt. So I went down there last night to buy some coconut yogurt, found some other coconut yogurt. We went to put it in my trolley and then I read it on a head egg in it. There’s a hack in the night, too. Lots of coconut yogurt, and then still put dairy in it.

What was the point of the whole point is not dairy? No, I bet. Vegans. Yeah. We know what you’re trying to say to him. I have to say, yeah, for me

Lachlan McNeill: [00:37:14] a while ago and everyone’s sitting around and it was all being served out. And then, and, what was happening is the, the main course was everyone heads like steak and stuff like that. And then this vegetarian dish came on as well. And it was one of those secrets fun, and everyone got their cameras out and took photos over Facebook. And I thought, Oh, I like to find it. The stakes these days.

It’s really unusual being a vegan, going to a cafe and saying, hi, we’re a couple of vegans. It feels like the same.

I used to get the same feeling when it used to be a Jehovah’s witness. I used to knock on people’s doors and say, hi, I’m a Jehovah’s witness knocking on your door. But as I do saying, I’m a vegan. And then I say, I’m also gluten free. And, and then on the snakes. So I can’t read them any, what would you recommend ?

Mark Scown: [00:37:58] A glass of water for you right now?

Danny de Hek: [00:38:02] And then they go, that’s no dairy and no butter. And I go, you’ve got it later.

Helen Oakes: [00:38:06] you go to places it’s so funny and they go, Oh, we can make anything for you and take off, the mate and whatever. And we go, okay, so we go, Oh, we’ll have this one, the big breakfast. So she goes, okay. So do you want X with that?

We’re vegan. Do you want bacon? No

Lachlan McNeill: [00:38:26] bacon should be excused from any restrictions.

Danny de Hek: [00:38:30] We went out to the top, top twins.

Helen Oakes: [00:38:32] We ended up with a piece of toast. A paste, a tomato and one other thing. And we still had to pay $22 for it. It was ridiculous. Yeah. Is

Mark Scown: [00:38:45] Has this path enriched your lives guys?

Danny de Hek: [00:38:57] I’m pretty adventurous. And I, I just, Asia is the best thing I’ve probably done for my health. Yeah, sorry.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:39:01] I’ve just caught up to the meetings. This is the part about takeaways. I thought it was going to

Danny de Hek: [00:39:13] Yeah, but I suppose you could liken it to business in a way, because we had to come up with a strategy. We had to implement new changes. We needed to find a way to be able to fit.

Helen Oakes: [00:39:24] We had to be accountable.

Danny de Hek: [00:39:27] Yeah. I never thought I’d be that guy looking at. what’s that stuff called? coconut. Tyson yogurts, gospel Eagan.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:39:45] I am keen keenwah a few weeks ago and I took a photo and put it on Facebook and said, how did I get so low?

Helen Oakes: [00:39:56] We have a lot of time prior to being a vegan, I would never go near tofu, but it’s amazing what you can do with it.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:40:03] we’ve got some really good for installation, actually it in the ceiling, but we got some biscuit came home from the supermarket at that age. He said, Oh, I’ve got these biscuits. he said that, sugar-free gluten free vegan biscuits. I’ve tasted more exciting, paper but they were cheap and

Mark Scown: [00:40:32] then ate the cardboard box. They came in.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:40:37] But all jokes aside, it’s really good sometimes to think what you have inhabited put venue, tenured golf, really? Isn’t it. Oh, actually weaned myself off coffee. I’m drinking some sort of a. Tea thing now, right? Coffee.

Helen Oakes: [00:40:51] I don’t think I can either wait myself off coffee. Coffee is my leisure.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:40:57] Just want to weigh myself off for a bit and at slightly headaches for about four or five days withdrawal. But what’s funny is I haven’t had that sort of thing. Those urges to have chocolate now, which is weird, right? Yeah. Look, I’m going to go for mung bean. There was a judge,

Paul Starling: [00:41:22] tell him was playing with her food, then. Yeah,

Danny de Hek: [00:41:28] let’s go back. We started up a, what do they call it? Plant based eater, Facebook page and we put all our food in there. Would you believe that we would get there? That was brilliant. but it’s just been a really interesting experience. That’s an all day breakfast looks like if you’re a vegan. Yeah.

Even the soft sausage is not real.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:41:53] I think you should just merge the whole thing together and had just have drop shipped. Vegan. love gadgets. Yeah.

Danny de Hek: [00:41:59] You want to listen to anything? Listen to the game changes on Netflix. Cause that honestly they changed their thinking. Okay. All right. Anyway, let’s go back on topic

with trying to get away. Take away. I’ve lost it now. I’ve killed it. Yeah, there it is. We’re back, right? yeah, so we had, so will you, just quickly and how do people find you.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:42:26] I had, I’m a recruiter I recruit for manic engineers and analytics and all those sort of ticky times people a lot smarter than me.

And when they find me, I have my website, acorva.co.nz. How do you spell A C O R V A .co.nz. And as do as CVS and stuff as well, which is quite fun. Yeah, that’s me. Cool. And Steven you’re would like to know, tell us who you are and what you do. And then we’ve got you in the system.

Stephen Fitzgerald: [00:42:54] Stephen Fitzgerald, I run my own architectural practice team, but it’s short acting chef and you products, sustainability, energy efficiency, small, large flat sites, Hills sites, and otherwise, spices, more enjoyable and healthier for loving.

Danny de Hek: [00:43:13] Cool. All right. I just want to do that. Sure. You guys run it.

Appreciate you got other things happening sometimes. It’s nice to have you drop into the meetings. Don’t give a feel. You can’t drop in halfway through.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:43:21] No, it was just my poor personal organization. Unfortunately. Yeah.

Danny de Hek: [00:43:31] We got a good email from you earlier on this week, so I’m going to use it in their meetings too. So thanks.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:43:36] Yeah. I just thought the idea of putting that put there, using that sort of thing would be quite cool. Yeah. So what some solutions were personal organization?

Danny de Hek: [00:43:42] We’ve actually got a cup more minutes before we go into, we’ve got four more minutes before we ask for takeaways.

Has anybody else got any more solutions on things to help out personal organisation?

Yep. Go ahead. Go into solutions. I’ll put one in and I was going to put one in. Here we go. I wonder what’s going to be, don’t have a partner. Only one Linda. Oh yeah.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:44:12] That’s interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Alright, so takeaways. Did you get anything from the meeting today, guys? Yeah.

Mark Scown: [00:44:20] Yeah. I’ve seen mine and Danny.

Danny de Hek: [00:44:22] Yeah, it is, it was a good luck. So

we’re going to get Joe road Regan Rogan in here.

Oh, look at that.

Okay. I see. Did anyone get a free afternoon in a week? On a Friday who would say yes or no, or I’ll have to look at my calendar. I’d just say,

when you say what for yeah. Okay. Takeaways. What do I get from the meeting?

Paul Starling: [00:45:07] One system. Yeah. just check, fix up my spelling, Helen. Wouldn’t do that. Oh, Danny did it. that’s a really good point.

Danny de Hek: [00:45:18] Yes. I do find my calendar has simplified my life. And I only put important things in there now rather than trying to keep everything in there. Okay.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:45:27] personally for me, there’s two things I like, what I would say is one is you’ve got to have a system that suits you as a person.

And I’ve normally taken advice from people a bit, lot more like me. I read too much advice from people who are just amazingly organized and I am not, but I got some good tips from a guy who was a minister. He wrote a book and he said that he was so bad. He had some terrible stories about not turning up to weddings and getting, being late for weddings and things.

And when he was the guy doing the thing, but he had some really good tips, one things, he saved us, they have a color coded calendar. and I absolutely agree on that. So I can look at my calendar. all the purples are entities. So I can’t move those days. So those are fixed and my car, everything is color coded my calendars and I can look glass really quickly and I’m just read it’s important.

Helen Oakes: [00:46:09] Yeah, I was doing that. I love color coding. I think it really works. Nope.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:46:16] I just use color coding.

Helen Oakes: [00:46:17] I’ll put that in. Oh, takeaways, solutions, just go solutions.

Danny de Hek: [00:46:22] We’re going to make the solution. That’s good.

Shaun Jin: [00:46:24] I’m using the ear solutions now. And I feel this is not enough because each Palo presented to a, one of their staff.

So it’s my calendar looks like just, like a rainbows older,

Danny de Hek: [00:46:39] Your freak me out when I saw it.

Shaun Jin: [00:46:42] Yeah. So this is kinda yeah, it was well worked for someone, but not really for me. Alright. It looks like that.

Danny de Hek: [00:46:49] what you look at that, right? Yeah. We can’t see. See you and your, Oh, here we go.

You’re in the back. Sure. It’s alive. We can see him now for those people listening to podcasts, it’s been a live person.

Shaun Jin: [00:47:08] I’m doing pest control, but they’re just behind the mask.

Danny de Hek: [00:47:12] Yeah. Alright. So we don’t have any other takeaways. I’m sure we have a bit of a, we’ll tell you why I actually closed the maintenance so we can George Ronin, if you’re listening to a meeting, thank you for coming along. as I said, we’re getting about 150 listeners to our point.

Wait, so have you, one of those listeners, please describe. on one of the platform you like, and you can find the origin of our podcasts at elite6.co.nz. And we’d appreciate your comments and feedback, or give us an email or feel free to join us from anywhere in the world as you are, and hope you’re having a great day when you’re listening.

Thank you. Oh shit. I’ve got the wrong one. Yeah. Next week’s topic two. Before you go. Oh. Oh, we take him. I just shut something down. I don’t know if I needed it. No. yes,

email, I’ve got that email here. I can. I’ve got too many screens on my computer, one or something. I need to get organised. Hang on the here too. As you have got a few topics here, we’ll just break into those. See what you guys think. So Laughlin gave us a list of things that we could discuss that I’ll read them out.

They’ve got personal health. Physical health, sorry, physical health. Yeah. Getting a pessimist income from your, from within your business, rather than just working for a time or an hourly rate. We could talk about people’s schedules and toys. perhaps talk about doing something completely different than you are doing.

How do you make that leap from one position to another? concession planning. what’s the end game? What are you trying to compensation planning. Succession . Yeah. I’m going to move this onto a screen. I’ve got too many screens in my life. Yep.

Helen Oakes: [00:49:06] Bringing fun into your business. Getting more meaningful, looking beyond the dollar building core personal skills, speaking knowledge, confidence influence.

Is this what you wanted to do or be reconnecting with your dreams? Favorite books, biggest mistake, developing a personal brand. What is your business pain?

Danny de Hek: [00:49:32] I like personal skills anyway, with me on that. Yeah.

Shaun Jin: [00:49:35] looking beyond dollars.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:49:37] Yeah. The idea Danny of the idea of pole up, have three suggestions.

People say, I like that one year, cause you can do it on zoom and I’ve never done it. And I thought, I’ll throw the problem at you so you can solve it.

Danny de Hek: [00:49:47] Do you do that? Can you do that? Let’s say so.

Lachlan McNeill: [00:49:50] Yeah, we could do that. I don’t know. Go ahead

Danny de Hek: [00:49:52] the intern one at a time. but you could

Lachlan McNeill: [00:49:54] I don’t know if you can cut and paste them from that list or something, but anyone else got any sort of suggestions they’d like to, I just thought good to have it on a poll so we can say at the end of it things like, okay, I’d be interested in that one.

It seems like a simple survey monkey. You can ping it hanging out there. You can have a zoom poll just on zoom, right on here. Yeah, I need to evolve any, climax of this process.

Danny de Hek: [00:50:14] I think I’d have to enter the poll questions one at a time. but yeah, there’s the list in the chat window. Yeah.

Mark Scown: [00:50:21] I’m just screenshotting that list. Making note to yourself.

Danny de Hek: [00:50:26] Cause we actually still recording the meeting anyway. So this is doing the podcast. we might not actually, I was just trying to think about the personal skills. Ah, sorry, whatever one. what is the feedback

Helen Oakes: [00:50:37] bringing fun into your business? Sounds good.

Danny de Hek: [00:50:40] Is it like I remember you talking about him and your building there. Steven, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine. Who’s really big in the hemp world. Was that something you’d like to do? David Jordan, Dave Jordan, his name. Yup. He’s on the committee that advises the government on the hemp development in New Zealand.

Stephen Fitzgerald: [00:51:03] Yes. Love any context here. Look, I’d rather make the context earlier than later, when you feel like you have to make a contact with a particular person, I find that if you initiate and meet people and advance that it provides a powerful direction.

Danny de Hek: [00:51:19] I know at least do that. Alright guys. I have, we’ve got two minutes of your time.

but does anyone, what’s the topic feeling for next week? And I don’t know how to do surveys on here, but if there’s something else I can try to my brain go fast and

Lachlan McNeill: [00:51:34] I did send you a link, I think had to do the link in the email.

Hi. I quite yeah, the bringing fun into your business. Yeah, that’d be quite cool.

Mark Scown: [00:51:51] It’s pretty hard topic to be fair. Otherwise we just spend our time just teasing vegans

Lachlan McNeill: [00:52:01] and that would be fruitless.

Paul Starling: [00:52:03] Isn’t that called? Cyber bullying.

Danny de Hek: [00:52:07] I’m just curious on this topic though. your business, how are we going to do that? Yeah, I might start building out of marijuana than he it’s when you build the house out of him and then you put a male plant in the living room and then the whole building becomes, Yeah a lot.

We will be discussing how to bring fun into your business. So I encourage you to tune in, or if you’d like to participate, go along to elite6.co.nz, click on membership and become an online member. And you can join us in our podcast. Have a great week. Thanks for listening.

Transcribed by Otter

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