DANNY  DE HEKELITE : SIX Think Tank meetings are discussed over ZOOM with our members every Friday at 9:30am.

Facilitated by DANNY : DE HEK meetings are recorded for our Podcast, we’ve been doing this since COVID-19 if you’re interested in joining in with us check out our Website.


  • Forced everyone to embrace digital technologies such as “Zoom”.
  • The Seven R’s of Change Management Who raised the change? … What is the reason for the change?… What return is required from the change? … What are the risks involved in the change? … What resources are required to deliver the change? … Who is responsible for the “build, test, and implement” portion of the change?
  • Don’t mistake compliance for acceptance. People who are overwhelmed by continuous change resign themselves to it and go along with the flow. You have them in body, but you do not have their hearts. Motivation is low
  • Fear of the unknown make people fearful of change
  • The businesses that can react quickly and meaningfully to external factors will succeed.
  • To make change a new normal
  • To make change possible you must have the buy in and authority of the most senior manager.
  • Only make changes based on good data, not on a gut feeling.


  • Changing without analysing why
  • Not managing the change
  • Making a change without accurate data
  • Lack of communication around the reasons for change


  • Systems and Processes
  • Focus has to be on the people implementing and being effected by change as well as the desired outcome.
  • Monitoring
  • Communicating you are trustworthy
  • Be transparent. Clarify with clients and or staff as to the reason for the change and the expected advantages that will come from it.
  • Been a great leader


  • Change involves risk, so change management involves risk management
  • Those with the most to lose as a result of the change will be the most resistant to the change
  • About Donald trump’s Whitehouse a great (if disturbing) read is “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff.


  • Nestle’, Cadbury
  • Coke, Milo
  • Air NZ (refunds)
  • Blackberry (phones)



Transcribed by Otter

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